October 13, 2007

enforcement of “no parking” in the Thursday sweeping area

Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 08:47:59 -0700
To: "Doug Butler Parking Control Sup" <DButler@lakewoodcity.org>, "Natasha Martin, lead parking control officer" <NMartin@lakewoodcity.org>
From: Lakewood Accountability Action Group | LAAG <updates@LAAG.us>
Subject: enforcement of "no parking" in the Thursday sweeping area
Cc: "Paolo Beltran, St. Sweeping" <pbeltran@lakewoodcity.org>, "Diane Perkin, Dir. Admin. Ser." <dperkin@lakewoodcity.org>, "Todd Rogers, City Council" <TSRR@msn.com>, <TRodgers@lakewoodcity.org>, "Joe Esquivel, City Council" <bayoujo@aol.com>, <JEsquive@lakewoodcity.org>, "Larry Van Nostran, city council" <oldeacon@aol.com>, <LVanNost@lakewoodcity.org>, "Steve Croft, city council" <stacro@aol.com>, <SCroft@lakewoodcity.org>, "Diane DuBois, City Council" <DDuBois@lakewoodcity.org>,

The following statement on your website is not correct. (see below) I have seen cars ticketed twice in Oct. in the "new" "test area" but the parking "ticket" (looks like a genuine ticket printed off a eticket handheld machine) which is still on the car says "warning" with "$0.00" for fines. The car was for sale and not in front of a residence which I understand is also illegal, but there was no fine for that either. Since when do cities bother writing parking tickets with no fines? Does "enforcement" of parking laws mean issuing warnings? I have never seen such a city. City of LA would laugh you people out of the room. LA is Rhino booting cars and towing them. < http://www.lacity-parking.org/laopm/boot.htm> < http://www.myfoxla.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail;jsessionid=999480B97CA941E52D58DE04B09BCE6F?contentId=4383422&version=3&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1 > Spending money to hire meter maids to write no fine tickets and then tout "enforcement" crackdowns. This is like Alice in Wonderland. The city needs to change its motto from "times change values dont " to "parking laws change tickets dont"

The Lakewood City Council has approved the first phase of a citywide "no parking" plan that will begin in the Thursday street sweeping area of northern Lakewood. The enforcement of "no parking" in the Thursday sweeping area will begin in October, following a thorough public education effort.

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