February 6, 2007

LAAG Privacy Policy

Note our separate Mission Statement and Editorial Policy

We have been asked by subscribers to clarify our privacy policy. So here it is subject to being expanded or modified as time goes by.

1. We have no connection or "cozy arrangement" with the City or any other government agency. We receive no government or quasi government "kickbacks" or political "slush fund" money what so ever. LAAG is a voice of change and that means oftentimes we are against the government, the "establishment" and the status quo. We are not some radical organization but we do seek the betterment of the City and local government, which is sometimes not aligned with the interests or will of politicians or government employees. We are on the side of taxpayers. For that reason rest assured that we will not divulge private information about you or from you (like your name, contact information or address) unless we have your permission or a court tells us we must disclose it. We understand how easy it is for government entities and politicians to "punish" those who speak out against them and we developed this site to protect against that.

2. We have no problem conveying information from you to government entities at your request in an anonymous fashion if you wish so as to protect your identity, maintain your privacy and protect against government retribution.

3. Our email or other address list will not be sold or provided to marketers or anyone else that might use it for bad purposes. If you do get email from laag.us and it appears to be spam it likely did not come from us but was a spammer using our address. Finally the privacy policy of Feedburner.com (the company that sends out our email is here) Also emails are sent out in a "blind" fashion so others receiving it cannot see your contact email and no one knows who is getting what information.

4. Any communications sent to or from a public official or public employee is fair game for posting on this site. If there is a record that we obtain from a government entity (or someone who obtained it from one) as a public record we may post it on this site. Things created with taxpayer money should be shared with the tax payers as long as they are public records under the California Public Records Act or Federal Freedom of Information Act.

5. We get questions from readers about what type of an organization we are. Well LAAG is "California Non Profit Association" (just like we say in the title of all our pages, emails and postings). We are registered with appropriate state agency that registers such entities. We are not an IRS 501(c) entity (and are not registered as such) as we do not take charitable or other types of donations at this time.

6. The identity of people that post articles on this site is not relevant. We do not work in Government. We are not receiving government subsidies. We are taxpayers and long time residents of Lakewood and Long beach. Thats all thats really relevant. We don't have a hidden agenda. Our "agenda" if you will is well spelled out on all these hundreds of stories. Its not about LAAG... its about the city, its management and the issues before us and having a voice on those issues.

7. We ask of you the reader is that you not disclose who the members of are unless you have permission from those members. Most of us have real jobs and seek not to have them jeopardized by people (even in the private sector) who could read this blog and then try to extract some sort of workplace retribution from individual members of LAAG for expressing opinions different than theirs. Yes Virginia that has been known to happen...And as we are not full time paid journalists we need our day jobs.

Long Beach Accountability Action Group™ LAAG | www.LAAG.us | Long Beach, CA
A California Non Profit Association | Demanding action and accountability from local government™

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